What is next, Duncanville?! (1-30-2023)

We usually fact check information we receive and only post material that originates from verifiable sources and we believe to be most likely true. However, recent events are forcing us to be more aggressive because the speed with which bad things are happening to our town is increasing dramatically and the potential damage is huge.

What happened!?

Last fall (Sept. 2022) we had some credible sources tell us that Council members Duncan and Beaver were planning to fire Ray Casey, our former City Manager, and David Snow, the former City Attorney. This information turned out to be dead-on and Ray Casey and David were promptly “reti-fired” respectively and dismissed at the first City Council meeting of the year on Jan. 9th.

The same sources are telling us now that Duncan et al. are planning to fire more senior City Hall staff and that Chris Mann, the choice for City Manager of Duncan, is actively recruiting staff from Canyon Lake where he is still the current City Manager. (Who would do such a thing? If he really cares about his former city, is it appropriate to poach employees?!)

If this doesn’t sound like a coup, then what does?
Are they going to rename Yucaipa “Duncanville”?

Our sources also tell us that basically everybody who spoke up against Duncan is in danger of getting a pink slip or at least being put in his or her place or otherwise terminated. Ray Casey and David Snow have spoken up numerous times (on record) since Duncan was elected to City Council, educating him on proper procedures, how to do business as a City Council member, the legality of his actions and so forth. This appears to have not sat well with Duncan, who then it seems along with Beaver, began the purging of everyone who has a different opinion than Duncan. This is not democracy, this is the start of an autocracy, a system that almost all Americans oppose. Russia or Putin anybody?

What can you do?

  • You are not powerless. If you have inside information, have seen, read, or heard something about what Duncan, Beaver, or Garner are planning, please speak up, now is the time! It is apparent that they have been planning to upset Yucaipa’s City Hall for a long time, there is no time to lose.
  • You can talk to your friends and neighbors, or you can send an email with your information to contact@friendsofthenorthbench.org. You can specify if you want this information to be anonymous or if you are OK with having your name attached to it.
  • As always, please be mindful and truthful about what you report, this is a very important matter.

Thank you!
Your Friends of the North Bench
