About Us

Most of us live in the North Bench, but some of us are from other places in Yucaipa and neighboring cities. We are a rather diverse group of people, coming from all trades of life, of various beliefs, and political associations, professions, some still working, some already retired. Some of us have been living in Yucaipa for their entire live, others moved here from elsewhere to find a new home in a rural community. What we share is our love for Yucaipa, especially its open space, the beautiful surroundings with its spectacular vistas, our friends and neighbors in town, and the laid-back and slower pace of life in Yucaipa, especially when compared to most other places in the Inland Empire.

We believe in democracy, in fact-based arguments, in respecting the opinion of others, being courteous, listening when others speak, and being inclusive instead of divisive. We like to stick to the facts, discuss and debate issues, and coming to a consensus and fair compromises where opinions diverge. We dislike unprovoked and baseless hostilities, bullies, people who twist facts, or tell lies and untruths and those who only have their own interests in mind without considering the community that they live in and from which they depend on and benefit.

We believe that most of the citizens of Yucaipa share the values that we stand for but are usually silent. But like the old saying “Freedom is not Free” sometimes it is important to speak up and to show color. We think now is such a time.

Contact Information

Please send us an e-mail if you want to get in touch and we will get back to you as soon as possible. - Any non-civil e-mails will remain unanswered and promptly discarted.


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