General Comments

All public comments to City Council, Planning Commission, or letters to the editor of local newspapers will be listed, if they are relevant and add to the discussion. You can also send us your unpublished comments and we post them either anonymousy or with your name.
Please send your comments to our e-mail address.

General Comments

City Council

Planning Commission

Newspaper Articles

Kevin Miskin, received 10-14-2022
The Future of Yucaipa: Bedford Falls or Pottersville? also published as a letter to the editor in the News Mirror.

Teri Boon, received 10-21-2022
Good evening friends. It is my understanding that the developer for the 52 acres on Yucaipa Ridge Road would have to bring back any new design to the planning commission and that may take weeks to months to manifest. Many eyes are watching this as closely as possible. There are not any projects that are on the agenda for the October 24 meeting of the city Council for the North Bench but the three-story apartment building In Yucaipa is on the agenda this week. Anyone who wants to join our neighbors in Yucaipa could attend this meeting in show of support. As far as the midterm elections go I am in support of Sherilyn Long for district one and Nena Dragoo for district 2. These two candidates are our best shot at preserving Yucaipa and its current general plan. Also thank you to all of those who printed the petition to preserve the north bench and dropped them off. If you are interested there is a treasure trove of information on the friends of North Bench website. It is an interactive website were many people are posting incredibly enlightening information and you could leave comments and questions. God bless and have a beautiful fall weekend, Teri Boon
