Public Comments to City Council

All public comments to City Council, Planning Commission, or letters to the editor of local newspapers will be listed, if they are relevant and add to the discussion. You can also send us your unpublished comments and we post them either anonymousy or with your name.
Please send your comments to our e-mail address.

General Comments

City Council

Planning Commission

Newspaper Articles

Mike Ball, 4-16-2023
Public comment sent to City Council Adverse impact of more traffic on Bryant.

Colleen Wang, received 9-18-2022
Letter to Bobby Duncan

Annette Carlo, received 9-12-2022
Letter to City Council

Pierre Assaf, received 9-12-2022
Letter to City Council

Pierre Assaf, received 9-12-2022
Plea for reasonable housing development to City Council

Matthew and Lynda Underwood, received 9-7-2022
Letter to City Council
