Public Comments to Planning Commission

All public comments to City Council, Planning Commission, or letters to the editor of local newspapers will be listed, if they are relevant and add to the discussion. You can also send us your unpublished comments and we post them either anonymousy or with your name.
Please send your comments to our e-mail address.

General Comments

City Council

Planning Commission

Newspaper Articles

Planning Commission Meeting, March 15., 2023

Matt Underwood (4-13-23)
Letter to Benjamin Matlock A very strong letter with undeniable facts and questions to the decision makers that were never answered.

Pierre Assaf (4-14-23)
Letter to Benjamin Matlock A thoroughly researched letter to Yucaipa’s Planning Manager, Ben Matlock, in opposition to the proposed high density development East of Yucaipa Ridge Road.

Holly Soffel (3-15-23)
EMail to Benjamin Matlock - Opposition Serrano Estates development.

Irmgart Mitchell (3-14-23)
EMail to Benjamin Matlock - The importance of making sure the planned developments respect the General Plan.

Alan C. Hillwig, Hillwig-Goodrow, Inc. Land Surveying-Civil Engineering (3-11-23)
EMail to Benjamin Matlock - Opposition to the approval of the submitted Tentative Tract Map No. 20375.1.
